All the things you want are already in you. When you bring your attention to these things (in meditation) and attach a good positive feeling to it and release it into the universe everything shifts. Those things that you are wishing for start showing up in your life, or bring you towards them through different circumstances. Since you are connecting to that thought, that single step, is showing you that you are ready to receive. Now of course all the things that we wish for have to be believable and achiavable, but don't limit your self. Sometimes better things come to you, things that you couldn't even imagine because experiencing what you wanted is so much better than just imagining it. Believe in miracles. You are a miracle. Believe in yourself.
Connect to yourself with meditation. Find a few minutes in the day, preferably as you wake up and just focus on your breath. Take beautiful long breaths and smile and know that you will have a wonderful day ahead. Send love and gratitude into your day. When you connect like this, believe me when I say, you will notice amazing changes in your day (life).
Im off to have an amazing day my self... Happy Holidays everyone. This is the season to wish and believe.
My handsome nephew with Santa.
Merry Christmas my loves!!
With love,
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